Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Great Optical Illusion

My friend, Vineet showed me this Optical Illusion. I wasn't so serious earlier, but the illusion did blow off my mind... To blow yours too, just figuratively, do try out..
  1. Right click, and Save As picture.
  2. Open the pic in Paint Brush
  3. Use the colour picker tool (one that looks like an eyedropper).
  4. Click inside either boxes A or B of the first image.
  5. Use this picked colour to draw a thick line connecting box A and B. Watch as it converts spontaneously into the second image.
You will be tossed to see the box of apparently different colors merging as in the second image. No fun without trying it yourself. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Abey illusion bhi describe kar deta.
basically A and B are the same shades. I even confirmed it in photoshop. both are 777777 or 787878.

pretty amazing and i dunno how it happens

Anubhav Agarwal said...

lol.. great effort..
I can't still understand how even if the A and B box shades are same in Photoshop, why they look so different..

Anonymous said...

I'd appreciate a trackback or linkback from this post, if you don't mind... :-) Thanks a lot.

derif said...

Its pretty amazing.... In fact, I checked out and the two blocks are having the same color. Block B appears to be lighter just because the surrounding blocks are dark colored..... Just try removing the surrounding boxes near box B, and no illusion occurs then.